Monday, 27 January 2014

Empties Challenge - Who's With Me?

Nothing is more exciting than scoring a good deal on a makeup set, or getting a new lipstick. However, if you're like me, you've got a lot of samples sitting in your drawer, as well as un-opened products from value and gift sets.

I propose a challenge! Like my December empties from 2013 , I have been going through all my makeup and samples. I look to see which ones I can get through by the end of the month - it doesn't matter if the product is new, half-used, gently used... the point is to clear out a bunch of little samples and bottles.

Now, I know a lot of people feel this may be daunting, so I'm gonna say products can roll over to the next month, if it's still not finished. HITTING THE PAN DOES NOT COUNT AS FINISHED! What I found helps is limiting myself to one of every product. That way, if I focus on just those products, I can get through them faster.

Here are the rules:

- 1 mascara
- 1 primer
- 1 foundation
- 1 concealer
- 1 eyeshadow palette
- 1 eyeshadow primer
- 1 lip balm
- 2 lip gloss - MUST be different shades
- 1 lip stick
- 1 lip primer
- 1 blush
- 1 face lotion
- 1 body lotion
- 1 perfume
* ALL products can either be full-sized, sample, or deluxe size. The objective of the challenge is to commit to only the products above (emergency cases where a different product must be needed is fine, such as a different eyeshadow palette for an evening look)
* If you finish a product before the end of the month, congrats! Start a new product of the same category (ex. empty mascara = start new one)
* If products are not done by the end of the month, they MUST roll-over as the product for the next month. I don't believe in throwing out half-finished products.
* If you are running out of products from the list, you can buy new ones, but only if you're almost done that specific product. DO NOT start the new one, however, UNTIL you finish the nearly-empty one!
* If you see any products missing from this list you would like to include, by all means go ahead. I didn't specify skin cleansing products, as everyone has a set regime and may need a different combo of products. If you do, STICK TO THOSE ONES!

I've already been doing this for January, but if anyone would like to join me in this challenge for February, please comment below. Re-post these rules on your blog, citing the link to this entry :)

I feel this will be a great way for us to get through everything, without feeling pressured to finish a set number of products per month. This way, if one month you finish 2, the next month you may finish 5... everyone will feel accomplished!

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